Courses at Esther Oekaer

For English students please e-mail me for dates

Reiki Education

The Reiki education at Reikimaster and Reikihealer Esther Oekaer consists of:

  • 3 Reiki healer basic courses – Reiki 1, Reiki 2 and Reiki 3
  • 2 Reiki master kurser – Reikimaster og Reikimaster 2

Do you have a dream of being able to heal yourself or others?

Or maybe you are already are a Reikihealer and would like to train and initiate others to become reiki healers?

Read about my Reiki education here here

Meditation & Mindfulness Courses

Attain more peace – be present in the moment – release stress.

Learn Mindfulness and Meditation at Esther Oekaer.

Esther has been meditating actively since 1993. Upon several courses and educations, Esther Oekaer has taught others how to have a daily meditation practise and how to become attentive to mindfulness in their everyday life.

Read more about Mindfulness & Meditation here

Kontakt Esther Økær her