In a moment – they’ll find out that I am not as good, as they think I am…..
“In a moment – they’ll find out that I am not as good, as they think I am…..”
I have heard this sentence a lot of times. A person has just started at a new job. Already from the beginning, everything is going terrific for him/her. The boss praises him/her, and she/he has a spendid relationship to his/her colleagues already.
So everything is fine? Alas – no it isn’t. Not at all. Every time this marvellous person is praised by any one, he/she thinks: In a moment – they’ll find out that I am not as good, as they think I am…..”
I have been there myself. Before I chose differently, I had various “career jobs”. Especially, there was this employment in a big American company, in which I was employed as the Personal Assistant to the Managing Director” (or “Executive Assistant” a little more posh title).
The day, on which the recruitment company phoned me to tell that I had been chosen for the position, I almost fell to the ground. Or rather, it already started, when I decidednot to answer the phone, when they called, because I couldn’t bear the thought of how it would be, when I got the expected refusal. Therefore, I let my voice call take the call. I remember that my heart was beating heavily, when I listened to the voice call afterwards. And then – I almost fainted, which was not very convenient, because I was sitting in my car.
I was still wondering, why they had chosen ME to this position, when I started the job. And my superior – the Managing Director – took me by surprise, when he praised me, because he was very content with my work.Derfor startede jeg også med en undren over, at det var netop MIG, som de havde udvalgt til stillingen. Da jeg fik den første evaluering fra min
Was I happy that he praised me? Well – yes maybe for 10 seconds. Because on the 11th second all the doubting thoughts overwhelmed me. In a moment -he’llfind out that I am not as good, as he thinks I am….. He will find out that I am only pretending to be good. He didn’t by the way – so I could have stopped worrying immediately. I did – however – make a huge carrier shift later on – but that is another story.
Later on, I started practising in believing that if anyone praised me – it was the truth. I was actually good at my work. At the beginning it was difficult – but practise makes perfect.
Do you recognise this unnecessary lack of trust, when you are praised by anyone – i. e. superiors, colleagues, friends, or family?
If so – NOW it is time that you start practising in trusting that you are actually very good at what you are doing.
So instead of thinking:”In a moment – they’ll find out that I am not as good, as they think I am…..”, you allow yourself to absorb the praise – and feel the thought: “When they say so, it must be true. I am actually good at, what I am doing”.
Suddenly, one day – you’ll discover that you really believe this. And suddenly you don’t even need other people to tell you that you are good at something. You know it yourself. The negative conviction has dissappeared.
When will you start practising?
Good luck!
Have a fantastic weekend – Life is waiting for you!
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Photo: JS Booking
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