Medicine Walk – keep an eye out for the signs

My attentive reader might have noticed that this is the second time I am using a rainbow as my blog photo. It will probably not be the last one either.

Should I go right or left?
For many years I have used rainbows to tell me, which way to go in life. Often, when I have been at a cross roads doubting, which way to go (and believe me – I have been at many cross roads) –  I have asked for a rainbow in one or the other way – to tell me, whether I should go left instead of right (or the opposite).

And everytime, a rainbow has presented itself to me, when I was “supposed” to go in a certain direction. Either physically on the sky, on a photo, in TV – or as a song (eg. “True Colours”, which I have a ring tone one my phone as well).

It works
I think the wildest experience, I ever had, was about 15 years ago, when I asked speficially: “If I am to do this, my boyfriend will ask me to come into his room by saying: “Look Esther – here is a rainbow”.
And – yep – he did just that. I hardly believed my own ears – neither my eyes – when I saw a fantastic rainbow, shining in the water jets of a fountain.

The challenge
This sounds pretty easy – and it is in fact. The challenge only lies within the fact that you need to believe in the signs, which you get. And for this, you need practise. Practise, which you can get on a “Medicine walk”.

Medicine Walk
Well – of course it is not only yours truly, who ask for assistance in this way. It is a well-known phenomenon within the shamanistic world. Not only to obtain guidance but also to get answers in insights about everything.

A medicine walk can take from 5-10 minutes until perhaps the rest of your life. My pilgrimage on “El Camino” was also a medicin walk to me. On the approx. 800 km long walk, I achieved much insights and many symbols (incl. rainbows) – all of which I intend to write a book soon.

10 minutes
Yet an example of a shamanistic Medicine Walk from my own world, was a shamanistic workshop with Chris Lüttichau 7 years ago. In beforehand, the participants were to decide, to what they wanted to receive answers, after which they should go for a walk and keep an eye out for the signs/answers, which would appear within 20 minutes.

At this point of time, I wanted to move to another flat, hence this was what my question was about. As always, it took 10 minutes – then I got the answer in the “Assistent Kirkegaard” (a famous Danish churchyard). There was a huge sign, saying: “På det tidspunkt ville jeg gerne flytte til en anden bolig, så mit spørgsmål handlede om netop dette. Der gik – som altid med mig ca. 10 minutter – så kom svaret inde i Assistent Kirkegård. Et stort skilt, hvorpå der stod:
“Gartner house will move on 1 of March”.

And – quite true – shortly after this I got an offer on my present flat, in which I was to move in on 1 of March.

Are you using signs and symbols yourself to guide you through life? Did you ever go on a Medicine walk?

Otherwise – now might be the time to go 🙂

Have a fantastic weekend – Life is waiting for you!

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